Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing - Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Center for Applied Scientific Computing - Lawrence Livermore National Labs
We present a technique for steganography in polygonal meshes. Our method hides a message in the indexed representation of a mesh by permuting the order in which faces and vertices are stored. The permutation is relative to a reference ordering that encoder and decoder derive from the mesh connectivity in a consistent manner. Our method is distortion-free because it does not modify the geometry of the mesh. Compared to previous steganographic methods for polygonal meshes our capacity is up to an order of magnitude better. Our steganography algorithm is universal and can be used instead of the standard permutation steganography algorithm on arbitrary datasets. The standard algorithm runs in O(n2 log2 n loglog n) time and achieves optimal O(nlogn) bit capacity on datasets with n elements. In contrast, our algorithm runs in O(n) time, achieves a capacity that is only one bit per element less than optimal, and is extremely simple to implement.
Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.m [Computer Graphics]: Miscellaneous
1. Introduction
Steganography (or, more simply, data-hiding) is the science of hiding messages in media in such a way that even the existence of the message remains undetected to all but the recipient. This is in contrast with cryptography, where the fact that a message is hidden in the data is not disguised, but it may be retrieved only by the use of a secret key, typically known only to the recipient. Thus, steganographic messages do not attract attention to themselves, to messengers, or to recipients. A classic example is invisible ink that turns brown when the paper is heated. An inconspicuous cover message is important as a blank sheet of paper can arouse suspicion.
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